Wednesday, December 19, 2012

October, November, December

... where did they go?
October was taken up with the first ever Creative Threads Conspiracy, a fiber art retreat and workshops. Knitting, Natural Dyeing, Needle Felting, Quiltmaking Techniques, great food and company.... it all went very well. The weekend was COLD, but we distracted ourselves with fabric and fibre and craftsmanship. And I changed jobs. No longer am I the bottle counter at the recycling center, I now work in a chocolate factory! Its closer to full time, working in a clean well lighted place with wonderful people and still right here in my chosen community.
I kept forgetting to take my camera to the Conspiracy, so here instead is a photo of the distinguished gentlemen of jazz.
November was taken up mostly with making stuff for the Christmas Craft Faire. I made simple shopping bags, some lunch bags and some quilts. I made a small quilt and sold kits to teach beginners how to sew. I made a bunch of owls. The owls all flew off to new homes, the kits all sold and I still have bags!
Ashlea's hats and soap (and Ashlea), Ken's cutting boards and my owls and stuff in our booth at the Craft Faire.

December has been a stormy month with wind and rain and snow. Sometimes the power goes out and sometimes the ferries don't run. I've been finishing up some projects that got put away while I was busy with other stuff, did some work on a quilt for my mom (tried to take it to her last weekend - but by the time we got to Nanaimo to take the ferry across, the runs were cancelled due to stormy seas), been working and sleeping! Once Christmas is over, I look forward to a week or so in my studio to start on a new project, I think I'll work with really bright colours just to get excited again.